Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Understanding Pedagogy and Learning 


First day of school might not be a good experience for every teacher, especially for a new teacher. You might discover students roaming around here and there. Without noticing a teacher in the class and would probably chewing like anything while teacher explaining the lesson. As much as the teacher wants to impress the students on his first day of work, the students want to add more misery to the teachers’ day. On the contrary there would be grumbling as well disappointment in student’s faces there would be few students who want to take something meaningful out of class.

 At night you would be wondering what went wrong in the class and why students are not obedient anymore. Why didn’t they respect teachers especially expatriate teachers. The next day you would probably find out all your miserable answers from fellow teacher who well known the policies and would probably know how the systems run in schools.  We all study the teaching methods. Went to the class with well-known philosophy with renowned teaching theories. But outcome shows us a different picture.

According to Albert Bandura people can learn through observation, mental states are important to learning. The social cognitive learning theory is very much influenced in our schools. Students learn through what they have observed from the social environment. They often follow what they saw at home and beyond. Unsettled political influences have a big say in student’s unsettlement. On the other hand teachers modeling influence the behavior and the learning outcome of the students radically.

There are things, which we didn’t consider bad habits among the society as well as among teachers, but in reality it has a big effect on students mentally as well as psychologically. For an example eating “Supari” or chewing gum in the class is very common in our classrooms even among with teachers. Not to mention smoking and other such habits that teacher’s model to their students. Furthermore it has turned into an addiction and students mind cannot focus two things at the same time, listening and concentrating to the lesson as well as chewing.

Our systems and schooling is more focused on results neglecting our main objectives and targets. This is where operant conditioning comes helpful according to B.F Skinner. Conditioning students to follow certain behaviors inside the campus. Thus we can generate a noble generation to our society while accomplishing our main objectives as a TEACHER.